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『壹』 計算機網路技術專業介紹英文介紹


My name is Chunyu Wang, age 23 years old, and I graated from Dalian Vocational Technology College, post-secondary ecation. Ecation, science and technology in the Purcell Development Co., Ltd.I have been engaged in more than a year of work, software development and testing done.

I Like reading and sports, especially basketball.
Practical work hard, cheerful personality.

I have a certain degree of learning ability and communication skills.

『貳』 用英語解釋什麼是計算機網路70字

A computer network or data network is a telecommunications network which allows computers to exchange data. In computer networks, networked computing devices exchange data with each other using a data link. The connections between nodes are established using either cable media or wireless media. The best-known computer network is the Internet.

Network computer devices that originate, route and terminate the data are called network nodes. Nodes can include hosts such as personal computers, phones, servers as well as networking hardware.
Two such devices can be said to be networked together when one device
is able to exchange information with the other device, whether or not
they have a direct connection to each other.

Computer networks differ in the transmission medium used to carry their signals, the communications protocols to organize network traffic, the network's size, topology and organizational intent.

Computer networks support an enormous number of applications such as access to the World Wide Web, video, digital audio, shared use of application and storage servers, printers, and fax machines, and use of email and instant messaging applications as well as many others. In most cases, application-specific communications protocols are layered (i.e. carried as payload) over other more general communications protocols.

『叄』 請用兩三句英語簡單介紹一下下列課程(計算機課程)


高等數學 Higher Mathematics
This course enables you to build on your previous mathematical experience in the areas of algebra, geometry and trigonometry and introces you to elementary calculus. The study of Mathematics provides you with many valuable skills. It is often very important when seeking employment or entry to further or higher ecation and is an important part of your general ecation.

模擬電子技術 Analog Electronic Technology (你的原文有錯)
This course covers complex semiconctor electronic circuits to include application of field-effect transistor circuitry, amplitude/phase shift response of transistor amplifiers, integrated circuits, negative and positive feedback circuits, active filters, instrial control circuits, switching power supplies, voltage regulators, operational amplifiers, spectrum analysis, and harmonic distortion. The course offers practical hands-on experience using an array of test equipment and assigned laboratory projects incorporated to supplement classroom lectures.

大學IT university IT
This course is for students interested in pursuing a career in the field of Information Technology. Students will be introced to the four career clusters in information technology to determine where their interests lie. Students will complete assignments and projects in interactive media, information support and services, network systems and, programming and software development.

C語言 C language
This course provides a solid introction to all the fundamental aspects of C, including elementary data types; arithmetic, logical, and bitwise operators; control-flow statements; functions; structures; pointers; program scope rules; good program design practices; and C debugging techniques. Emphasis is on ANSI-standard C, but earlier versions of C are also discussed. No computing facilities are provided; each participant is required to have access to a C compiler and hard- output device for programming assignments.

高等數學 Higher mathematics (第一個就介紹了)

面向對象程序設計 object-oriented programming
A course that focuses on introcing students to computer science through object-oriented design and programming, using Java. The course features an "objects first" approach to object-oriented programming (OOP), starting with objects, classes and methods, and then moves on to inheritance, interfaces and polymorphism, before covering traditional topics such as arithmetic and flow-of-control. OOP is then used to teach simple 2D graphics and graphical user interfaces, and the course finishes up with an overview of basic data structures, exceptions and file I/O. The course reinforces concepts with practical exercises in weekly laboratory sessions (under the supervision of undergraate teaching assistants) and with challenging and engaging programming assignments such as Tetris, all of which have GUIs.

匯編語言 assembly language
An introction to assembly language for mainframes or PC's. Topics include internal representation of data, arithmetic operations, logic statements, and general assembly language commands. Introce low level language architecture including assemblers, linkage editors, and loaders.

VFP程序設計 VFP programming
You will learn to plan, create, and modify tables, views and databases and create forms. You will use the Application Wizard and Builder to build applications quickly. Create information from your data with queries and reports. Understand the fundamentals of programming including operators, expressions, program flow, branching and looping. Be proctive working with code using IntelliSense, Quick Info, hyperlinks, keyboard shortcuts, Beautify, document view and bookmarks. Manage programming tasks with the Task List Manager.

數字電子技術 numeral electronic technology (Digital Electronic Technology好一點)
Introction to basic concepts in digital electronics. Basic discrete electronics, digital logic, circuit laws, components, troubleshooting and use of test equipment. Digital components, digital architecture, digital systems, troubleshooting and use of test equipment. Hands-on experience, practical applications and projects.

計算機組成原理 computer composition principle
This course introce the principle of computer composition. It is very useful for computer science students to know computer and for the better use in both hardware and software.

離散數學 discrete mathematics
The purpose of this course is to understand and use (abstract) discrete structures that are backbones of computer science. In particular, this class is meant to introce logic, proofs, sets, relations, functions, counting, and probability, with an emphasis on applications in computer science.

數據結構 The construction of data (應該是Data Structure)
Data abstraction with formal specification. Elementary algorithm analysis. Basic concepts of data and its representation inside a computer. Linear, linked, and orthogonal lists; tree structures. An overview of the structure and implementation of data structures, including lists, trees, heaps, and tables, and an examination of searching, sorting and other algorithms, including implementation and analysis of their efficiency.

計算機網路 computer network
Principles, design, implementation, and performance of computer networks. Topics include: Internet protocols and routing, local area networks, TCP, performance analysis, congestion control, switching and routing, mobile IP, peer-to-peer overlay networks, network security, and other current research topics.

操作系統JAVA語言 operating system JAVA language
Use Java to teach the principles of concurrent programming, not in particularly operating-systems related context, to write indivial operating system components. For example, it is possible to write a file system in Java. Use Java to write a simulator for a full operating system, including the machine it is running on, to write programs that make non-trivial use of operating-system services (such as network communication) in order to teach more about those services.

微機原理與介面技術 microcomputer principle and the connection technology
Introction to microcomputer hardware and software. Topics include computer fundamentals, word processing, electronic spreadsheets, data bases, and other microcomputer application areas. Students will study additional concepts of microcomputers and microcomputer applications software including: word processing, spreadsheets, databases, and presentation software, emphasizing more advanced applications and integration of the packages in dealing with typical professional usage.

程序綜合課程設計procere comprehensive curriculum designs
Introction to problem-solving with algorithm and program development. Includes: problem analysis, algorithm representation and verification, scalar and structured data types, file input and output, techniques for program design, coding, testing, and documentation and basic sorting, and searching algorithms. Study of algorithmic design, implementation, and analysis including object oriented design and implementation, abstract data types, stacks, queues, and linked structures

資料庫系統原理 Database system principle
This course is for students interested in the design of database management systems to obtain integrity and availability of data. We will focus mainly on relational data models and relational query operations, together with SQL for data definitions and queries. We will discuss design methods including the entity-relationship model and relational normalization theory. We will also discuss how data is stored and indexed and how queries are processed and optimized. Students undertake a semester project that includes the design and implementation of a database system. We will touch upon advanced topics such as object-oriented databases as time permits.

編譯原理translation principle (應該是Complier Construction Principles)

Acquire the practical skills to write a simple compiler for an imperative programming language. Understand the concepts of scanning, parsing, name management in nested scopes, and code generation. Learn to transfer the skills also to general software engineering tasks (e.g. parsing of structured data files or argument lists)

演算法設計與分析Algorithm design and analysis (design and analysis of algorithm)
An advanced, in-depth study of the design and analysis of algorithms. 'Topics include models of computation, sorting, data structures, graph algorithms, matrix multiplication, fast Fourier transforms, polynomial arithmetic, pattern matching, and NP-complete problems.

計算機圖形學Computer graphics
This course will provide an introction to graphics systems and applications. Basic structure of interactive graphics systems, characteristics of various hardware devices. Control of display devices, implementation of simple packages, device independence, and standard packages. Distributed architectures for graphics, hidden line and hidden surfaces algorithms, representation of surfaces.

概率 probability
The course covers the basic principles of the theory of probability and its applications. Topics include combinatorial analysis used in computing probabilities, the axioms of probability, conditional probability and independence of events; discrete and continuous random variables; joint, marginal, and conditional densities, moment generating function; laws of large numbers; binomial, Poisson, gamma, univariate, and bivariate normal distributions

網頁設計homepage design (web page design)
The course is designed to provide the necessary skills and training for an entry-level position in the field of Web Design. Learn to develop and maintain Web sites for a corporation or your own small business.
The class focuses on Web page planning, basic design, layout and construction, and setup and maintenance of a Web site. HTML/XHTML, Cascading Style Sheets, Dreamweaver, Fireworks, Flash, Photoshop, Illustrator, InDesign, PHP, MySQL and various other Web page and image creation tools are taught in the course.

人工智慧artificial intelligence
The incorporation of advanced techniques in reasoning and problem solving into modern, complex systems has become pervasive. Often, these techniques fall within the realm of artificial intelligence. This course focuses on artificial intelligence from an agent perspective, and explores issues of knowledge representation and reasoning. Students will participate in lectures and discussions on various topics, including heuristic and stochastic search, logical and probabilistic reasoning, planning, learning, and perception. Advanced topics will be selected from areas such as robotics, vision, natural language processing, and philosophy of mind. Students will complete problem sets and small software projects to gain hands-on experience with the techniques and issues covered.

軟體開發技術與實訓The software development technology and really teaches ( Software development technology and practice)
The overall purpose of the course is to give an understanding of the problems of large-scale software development and how this can be solved using object-oriented techniques. The main aim of the mole is to teach the understanding and use of object-oriented methods to analyze, specify, design and implement large computer systems.

網路資料庫Network database
This course introces the database that runs in a network and holds addresses of other users in the network. It includes a database organization method that allows for data relationships in a net-like form. A single data element can point to multiple data elements and can itself be pointed to by other data elements.

網路工程 network project (network engineering)
Network Engineering provides the basic networking and computing infrastructure for campus, from securing and managing bandwidth to providing DNS, DHCP, email, backups and more.

軟體工程 software engineering
This course is about problems we face when constructing large software systems. Students will learn about various methodologies used in all parts of the software life cycle. We will illustrate the use and application of these methodologies by examining how they can be supported by the Java language. By the end of the semester students will have acquired a strong grounding in object-oriented design in Java and, more generally, improved their skills for programming in the large. We will study several topics related to software design, including: Inheritance, Exceptions, Namespaces, Abstract Types, Representation Invariants, Procere Specifications, Object Models, Data Models, Design Patterns, Design Strategy.

Linux操作系統Linux operating system
This course will provide the basics of the UNIX/Linux operating system, including the history and the use of Linux with hands-on experience using commands and files. Topics to be covered include basic Linux commands, text editing, files and directories, electronic mail, pipes and filters, and shell programming.

計算機系統維護 computer system maintenance
This course focuses on basic computer hardware and software systems. Subjects include hardware systems and subsystems found in personal computers, digital numbering systems, and personal computer operating systems. Curriculum includes on-line content delivery, and in class hands-on labs.

『肆』 急求計算機網路方面的中英文對照

http://www.ecity.cn 作者:IT英語 來源:學賽網 2008年3月13日 發表評論 進入社區
Local area data networks,normally referred to simply as local area networks or LANs,are used to interconnect distributed communities of computer-based DTEs located within a single building or localized group of buildings.For example,a LAN may be used to interconnect workstations distributed around offices within a single building or a group of buildings such as a university campus.Alternatively,it may be used to interconnect computer-based equipment distributed around a factory or hospital complex[1].Since all the equipment is located within a single establishment,however,LANs are normally installed and maintained by the organization.Hence they are also referred to as private data networks.

The main difference between a communication path established using a LAN and a connection made through a public data network is that a LAN normally offers much higher data transmission rates because of the relatively short physical separations involved[2].In the context of the ISO Reference Model for OSI,however,this difference manifests itself only at the lower network dependent layers.In many instances the higher protocol layers in the reference model are the same for both types of network.

Before describing the structure and operation of the different types of LAN,it is perhaps helpful to first identify some of the selection issues that must be considered.A summary of some of the these issues is given in Fig. 14-5.It should be stressed that this is only a summary;there are also many possible links between the tips of the branches associated with the figure[3].


Most wide area networks,such as the PSTN,use a mesh(sometimes referred to as a network)topology.With LANs,however,the limited physical separation of the subscriber DTEs allows simpler topologies to be used.The four topologies in common use are star,bus,ring and hub.

The most widespread topology for LANs designed to function as data communication subnetworks for the interconnection of local computer-based equipment is the hub topology, which is a variation of the bus and ring[4].This is shown in Fig. 14-6,sometimes it is called hub/tree topology.

2.Transmission media

Twisted pair,coaxial cable and optical fiber are the three main types of transmission medium used for LANs.

3.Medium access control methods

Two techniques have been adopted for use of the medium access control in the LANs.They are carrier-sense-multiple-access with collision detection(CSMA/CD),for bus network topologies,and control token,for use with either bus or ring networks[5].

CSMA / CD is used to control multiple-access networks.Each on the network「listens」 before attempting to send a message,waiting for the「traffic」to clear[6].If two stations try to send their messages at exactly the same time,a「collision」is detected,an both stations are required to「step back」and try later.

Control token is another way of controlling access to a shared transmission medium that is by the use of a control(pertnission)token.This token is passed from one DTE to another according to a defined set of rules understood and adhered to by all DTEs connected to the medium.A DTE may only transmit a frame when it is in possession of the token and,after it has transmined the frame,it passes the token on to allow another DTE to access the tranamission medium.


[1] computer-based是指由計算機控制的,或裝有微處理器的。

[2] that引出表語從句。

[3] 是指區域網的問題之間有很多聯系,如匯流排拓撲結構可以採用雙絞線、同軸電纜和光纖這些傳輸媒體等。

[4] 很少文獻資料提出「集線」拓撲,一般都歸並為星形拓撲之列。

[5] CSMA / CD訪問控制方式,由於集線器和雙絞線的使用,它也用於星形拓撲結構;令牌控制方式用於匯流排拓撲結構時指令牌匯流排網(token bus network)。

[6] traffic:通信量,話務量,clear在通信中為「清0」,拆線,此處指網上通信量為0。

Local Area Network(LAN) 區域網

private data network 專用數據網

topology 拓撲

Public Switched Telephone Network(PSTN) 公用電話交換網

hub 集線器

transmission media 傳輸媒體

Shielded Twisted Pair(STP) 屏蔽雙絞線

Unshielded Twisted pair(UTP) 非屏蔽雙絞線

coaxial cable 同軸電纜

baseband 基帶

broadband 寬頻

optical fiber 光纖

Carrier-Sense-Multiple-Access/Collision Detection(CSMA/CD) 帶有檢測沖突的載波偵聽多路存取

Token 令牌











CSMA/ CD用來控制多路存取網路網路上的每個站點在試圖發送信息前先「偵聽」,等待通路空閑。如果兩個站點在同一時刻要發送信息,將會檢測到沖突,這兩個站點必須各自「後退」一步,以後再重試。


『伍』 什麼是計算機網路,什麼是計算機網路協議,計算機網路有哪些連接方式,用英語


  • 計算機網路是指通過通信設備把多個計算機連接在一起,以實現資源共享和信息傳輸的系統。

  • 計算機網路協議是計算機網路中的一種規則或標准,它規定飢薯了在網路中數據傳輸的格式、順序、錯誤控制等。

  • 計算機網路有多種連接方式,包括點對點連接、廣播連接、星型連接、環型連接、網狀連接等。


  • A computer network is a system that connects multiple computers together using communication equipment to enable resource sharing and information transfer.

  • A computer network protocol is a set of rules or standards that govern the format, sequence, error control, and other aspects of data transmission in a network.

  • There are several types of computer network connections, including point-to-point, broadcast, star, ring, and mesh connections.


『陸』 幫忙寫一篇計算機介紹硬體軟體和網路的英語作文

In modern sociey, people who is handicaped in using computer and accessing network are classified as "blinds" naturally. The advantages of captioned facility is significant, the world move much faster than before because of the information exchange and speedy processing of data. You can guess how much business can grow if a spreadsheet need to be calculated using three days instead of one second nowaday, I should say in majority that computers and networking bring much convenience to human life. But there are still dark side of the world. I also observe children that cannot do simple calculation by mind, they have to rely on calculators, a simple form of computer, similar things happen all around us and when time goes by, we are weak in mind manipulation yet also weak in physical because we spent all time around the computer. What a world we are in to say hello to a friend next door by send him email ?